October + November Kizomba Crash Courses

By Kizomba RDU LLC (other events)

8 Dates Through Nov 27, 2019

October: Kizomba Crash Couse: Musicalty

Kizomba I; Foundations

Dancing in Kizomba is not only about finding the beat. Your musicality and interpretation are very important to help make the best of the dance. This class will explore the different components used in song structure- Intro, Verse, Chorus, Bridge, Outro  - and how to interpret the music to create a beautful dance and connection with your partner. Each week will focus on a different component and will introduce steps/movements/patterns best used for dancing during these sections of the song.

Dates: Wednesdays Oct 2, 9, 16, 23

Time: 7:30pm - 8:30pm

Cost: $50 pre-registration | $15/drop-in class


Kizomba II: Improvers

This class is designed for more advance musicality for daning Kizomba and Semba by focusing on timing, ginga/banga body movement, and. This class will help train your ears to listen and learn to recognize the different styles of music that fall underneath the "Kizomba Umbrella" so you can dance more appropriately to the music - with emphasis on dancing to Kizomba, Semba, Retro Zouk and other music genres found at Kizomba festivals

Dates: Wednesdays Oct 2, 9, 16, 23

Time: 8:30pm - 9:30pm

Cost: $50 pre-registration | $15/drop-in class 

No partner necessary. No experience necessary. All levels are welcomed.

Register for Kizomba I + II and save $$$ - both classes for $85


November: Intro to Semba feat Horacio Joao

What is Semba? Semba is both a musical genre and dance from Angola, and the "father" of Kizomba music and dance. This 4 Week series will cover how to recognize Semba music, foundation steps and movements to dance Semba and fun footwork to get you out on the dance floor when Semba music comes on at socials.We'll also discuss the history & cultural aspects to help you better appreciate Kizomba like never before & become a true lover of Semba.

We are excited to have guest instructor Horacio Joao from Angola join us for all 4 weeks of our Fall classes! We will cover footwork technique and patterns designed to fit your progression and to give you a well rounded Semba experience.
- All levels welcomed
- No partner require to register

Dates: Wed Oct 30, Nov 6, 13, 20 | 7:30pm - 9:30pm

Cost: $85 or $25 drop-in

Register for our musicality series in October and save $$$ - both classes for $115!